Thurrock Media Services Joins NMA

The News Media Association has welcomed Thurrock Media Services into its membership this month.

TMS publishes the weekly Thurrock Independent and is run by managing director Neil Speight with a print run of 11,800 copies.

TMS is the second publisher to join the NMA in 2018, after Street Runners who publish the South London Press joined in February. 2017 saw three independent publishers join the NMA: Post Newspapers in Sussex, Norfolk’s Your Local Paper and Iliffe Media. 

The NMA exists to promote the interests of news media publishers to Government, regulatory authorities, industry bodies and other organisations whose work affects the industry.

NMA membership also entitles publishers to access to the Royal Rota system, receive press card membership rates and briefings on a range of legal, editorial and advertising topics to aid members’ publication.

Via NMA membership, local publishers are also able to be part of the NMA’s Local Media Works Database which drives JICREG, the audience measurement currency for local media to help with targeting advertising campaigns.

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