Two Sides Relaunches Love Paper Campaign

Two Sides has announced a relaunch of its Love Paper campaign which is part of a global initiative to increase consumer awareness of the sustainability of print, paper and paper packaging.

The new campaign comes with a brand new identity, newly-designed print ads, a new consumer-focused website featuring a paper fact file as well as blogs and stories, an animated video, plus many new digital tools to help reach and inform wider audiences.

Greg Selfe, country manager for Two Sides UK, says, “Never has there been such widespread attention on the environmental credentials of the products and materials we use. The plastics debate, ignited by Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet 2, has fuelled a seismic shift in both public and business attitudes towards sustainability.

“This debate has led more people to appreciate that paper can be an environmentally-sound choice for reading materials, communications and packaging solutions, but there is still a significant underestimation of just how sustainable paper and paper packaging is.”

A 2019 survey commissioned by Two Sides found that 63 per cent of European consumers believe European forests are shrinking in size. In fact, these forests, which provide 90 per cent of the fresh fibre used by the European pulp and paper industry, have been growing by an area equivalent to 1,500 football pitches every day. The survey also revealed that only a fifth of consumers are aware that the European paper recycling rate for paper and paper packaging is over 72 per cent.

Neil Jagger, chief operating officer of Reach PLC, said: “We are delighted to support the Love Paper campaign. Our industry and suppliers are very focused on environmental sustainability and we are achieving a high degree of success. By supporting Love Paper, we are helping to educate our readers that paper is an environmentally sound choice for reading.”

Doug Wills, managing editor of the Evening Standard, says, “From using recycled newsprint and working with sustainable forestry, to campaigning for green lifestyle changes. The Evening Standard is proud to be part of the newspaper industry in protecting the environment. The Love Paper campaign helps us share this great story with our readers.”