Pandemic Drives Increase In Royal Rota Take-up Among NMA Members

Coverage of high profile royal and political engagements covered by the Royal Rota has risen sharply among News Media Association members during the coronavirus pandemic.

The NMA, which facilitates the Royal Rota on behalf of its members, has worked with the Royal Households and Government departments including No 10 Downing Street to ensure that members can continue to cover engagements as fully as possible.  

Although the number of engagements has reduced during the pandemic, take up of rotas and pools which did go ahead by NMA members rose.

The NMA looks forward to working with the Royal Households and Government departments to ensure that press access is restored and enhanced as lockdown restrictions are eased in the coming year.

The NMA facilitates the Royal Rota scheme enabling national and regional titles to access pooled pictures from high profile royal and political events across the UK as part of its media facilities service for member publishers which also includes issuing press cards to news gatherers working in the news media sector.

Press cards are formally recognised by all police forces in the UK, by the Ministry of Justice, the Royal Households and by other public bodies.

The cost of a press card is £20 for those working for NMA members and £40 for those working for national and regional news media who are non- members.