Local Titles Urged To Celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons
Local news media titles are being urged to participate in a special celebration for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee next year which will see beacons lit in communities across the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, and UK overseas territories.
For the first time, beacons will be lit in each of the capital cities of the Commonwealth Countries at 9.15pm local time on 2 June 2022 to mark the monarch’s 70-year reign.
The celebrations, which will involve local authorities, schools, voluntary organisations, individuals, community groups and various organisations, will aim to see 70 beacons lit in each county of the UK as part of a weekend of Jubilee celebrations.
Each beacon will represent a year in the life of The Queen’s 70 year reign, marking this unique milestone in history.
Local news media titles can get involved in a variety of ways, including setting up and lighting beacons, sponsoring beacons, or encouraging and covering the lighting of the beacons within their communities.
Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR, Pageantmaster, The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacons, said: “Local news media sit right at the heart of local communities across the UK and we would welcome their involvement in these celebrations.
“The aim of lighting beacons in this way is to bring local communities together to celebrate the 70-year reign of The Queen and local newspapers are a crucial catalyst to make that happen.”
The News Media Association is listed as a supporting organisation in the Guide To Taking Part in The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon which can be viewed and downloaded from www.queensjubileebeacons.com.