Camden New Journal Publishes Climate Special Edition
The Camden New Journal has published a special ‘Eco 2022’ edition to highlight actions taken in the local area to help tackle climate change.
The special edition included four pages sponsored by a range of local organisations, with in-depth articles on work going on to tackle the causes of climate change in the Camden area, and the local impact global warming is having.
Editor Richard Osley said: “These are not easy times for the local newspaper industry, not many are immune to the economic strain of the pandemic, but we will continue to strive to be a forum for debate, as was intended at the paper’s inception.
“This week, a special edition designed to illustrate some of the efforts that are being made in Camden to meet the climate crisis. It’s the issue that trumps them all.
“On nearly every page, a story or conversation-starting piece. You may not agree with every word or suggested strategy, but we cannot ignore the red alert that bleeps louder every year.
“They are sentiments that come from the same well of concern that we all hold for this and future generations.”