NMA Responds To Government Consultation On AI & Copyright

In response to the government’s consultation today on copyright and AI, Owen Meredith, chief executive of the News Media Association, has said:

“The government’s consultation, along with its preferred policy option on AI and copyright, fails to address the real issue. The UK’s gold standard copyright law is already clear; what is missing is robust enforcement and transparency requirements that empower creative businesses to assert their rights.

“At present, there is no lack of clarity in the law, but these proposals will only muddy the water and allow GAI firms to shirk their responsibilities.

“News publishers deserve control over when and how their content is used and, crucially, fair remuneration for its use. Instead of proposing unworkable systems such as the ‘rights reservations’ (or opt-out’) regime, the government should focus on implementing transparency requirements within the existing copyright framework.

“Only this will ensure that creatives and the GAI firms that rely on them for high-quality data can thrive together.”

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