NMA’s Power of News Showcase Updated
The News Media Association has updated its Power of News showcase highlighting examples of national and regional newspapers’ agenda- setting investigations, campaigns and scoops.
The latest examples include the cross-publisher Power Up the North campaign which ran in over 30 local and regional newspapers aimed at securing investment and devolution, to narrow the north-south divide, The Daily Express’ campaign to secure the supply of Cystic Fibrosis drugs on the NHS and The Times ‘Clean Air for All’ campaign which calls on the Government to update the Clean Air Act.
The news media industry is a leading investor in producing original news content such as investigations and campaigns- 58 per cent of all news investments in the UK comes from newsbrands.
Local, regional and national newspapers play an essential role in society acting as the public’s watchdog. By scrutinising and holding power to account on behalf of their readers through investigations and campaigns, newspapers help to underpin the democratic process.
Other showcased examples include The Daily Mirror’s Investigation into homelessness, The Stoke Sentinel’s swimming safety campaign following the death of 13 year old Ryan Evans, and The Daily Mail’s Dementia Care Campaign.
The updated Power of News follows the NMA’s homepage redesign which highlights the NMA’s core objectives -championing press freedom, promoting the power of journalism and fighting for a fair deal for publishers.