DMGT Results Reveal Increased Demand For News
There has been a significant increase in demand for Mail newspapers’ journalism as the public seek out trusted news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, DMGT’s half year results show.
Total average daily global unique browsers to MailOnline increased by 33 per cent to 16.9 million for the six months ending 31 March.
Total minutes spent on the site, excluding time viewing videos, increased by 14 per cent to a daily average of 146 million in the period.
Direct audience, not indirect traffic via social media and search platforms, accounted for 78 per cent of minutes spent, reflecting continued high levels of engagement with the direct audience, the publisher said.
The Mail+ briefings service, which offers readers additional insight, news and entertainment via video, podcast and articles, was launched in October 2019 and now attracts over 270,000 unique visitors a week.
Subscribers to the Mail+ premium offering, including the digital version of the newspaper, have more than doubled to over 80,000, the publisher reported.
The publisher’s financial results revealed declines in ad revenue caused by the pandemic.
DMGT chief executive Paul Zwillenberg said: “I am immensely proud of the initiatives our businesses have introduced to support our communities and stakeholders, in particular the Mail Force charity which is supplying PPE to the NHS and has raised over £8m to date.
“Our businesses are providing free environmental information for NHS Nightingale hospitals, education tools to US students and advertising space for small businesses.
“The severity and duration of the Covid-19 crisis remains unclear but DMGT has a robust balance sheet, access to significant funding and a diversified portfolio.
“This gives me, and the Board, confidence that we will weather the current storm and withstand a sustained period of global economic uncertainty.”