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The Daily Mirror

Dentists For All


In January, the Daily Mirror launched its campaign ‘Dentists For All’, calling for action on tackling the “intolerable” state of NHS dentistry.

The Mirror revealed that more than 100,000 children had been taken to hospital with rotten teeth over five years. The Mirror launched a petition to save NHS dentistry, which has currently received over 160,000 signatures.

The campaign is calling for:

  • Everyone to have access to an NHS dentist
  • Restore funding for dental services and recruit more NHS dentists
  • Change the contracts so that dentists can treat on the basis of patient need. A parliamentary report had branded the current system as “not fit for purpose.”

The chair of the British Dental Association, Eddie Crouch, has supported the campaign. He said: “A wealthy 21st century nation has seen its citizens pulling out their own teeth with pliers, while others queue from the crack of dawn to access care.

“Underfunding and failed contracts, the crisis millions face is the result of political choices. The Mirror is showing ­leadership we desperately need to see from ­Westminster.”

"The Mirror is showing ­leadership we desperately need to see from ­Westminster.”

Eddie Crouch